Stunt Scooter Advanced

Movino Thor Stunt scooter
179.00 €

Movino Kraken (black/neochrome) Stunt scooter
179.00 €

Movino Black Mamba (black) Stunt scooter
199.00 €

Movino X-core (black) Stunt scooter
139.00 €

Movino X-core (chameleon) Stunt scooter
149.00 €

Movino Slave (blue) Stunt scooter
159.00 €

Movino Slave (orange) Stunt scooter
159.00 €

Movino Kraken (black/neogold) Stunt scooter
179.00 €
Standard vs Custom
Each rider has its own individual style, so stunt scooters have evolved quickly - also visually. Their parts, such as clamps and forks, began to appear in various colors (from black to metallic rainbow) and shapes, the handles already have many variants of embossing, and the decks receive characteristic graphics and paints (e.g. Movino Kraken and Movino Slave models). Scooters also took over one modification straight from the BMX, and it is pegs.
The simplest upgrade of a stunt scooter is the replacement of the griptape, the abrasive layer stuck to the top of the platform.