Fighting obesity with a scooter
Fighting obesity with a scooter
All the reasons why scooters just make sense!
Many people struggle with staying active. Which is one of the reasons why so many- both kids and adults- have been battling obesity. The consequences of obesity can be deadly. Could the scooter be a solution?
Unequivocally, scooting around can definitely contribute to your lifestyle in a positive way. Good intentions are good but not enough. You need the equipment and knowledge. And then… actually taking the action!
Weight struggles
The most recent data has shown that every third Pole is overweight, every fifth- obese. In the United States and many other developed countries- those numbers are even more worrisome. Basically, 50% or more of every developed country is overweight or obese. Men are more likely to be overweight than women and the problem gets worse with age. Unfortunately, kids are also struggling and increasingly so. ***Według międzynarodowego badania HBSC nadwaga lub otyłość dotyczy prawie 22 proc. polskiej młodzieży w wieku 11-15 lat. (***zmieniam troche ten tekst bo pisanie o nadwadze w Polsce w tekscie skierowanym do zagranicznego/ anglojezycznego odbiorcy nie ma sensu)
The reason being- unhealthy diet and additiction to TV, social media, video games- all leading to a sedentary lifestyle. The consequences, especially in the case of young people and kids are horrific: bad posture and terrible eating habing that may last a lifetime or definitely be very difficult to weed out later on. Obesity often leads to type II diabetes, heart problems, hormonal imbalance. Extra weight is also hard on the joints. Overweight and obese kids and teenagers often suffer from bullying and end up feeling isolated and thus- even more inactive.
Scooters to the rescue! Encourage your child to move more.
A scooter can be just what the doctor ordered when it comes to the fight against obesity. A scooter is so simple, yet so fun and has recently been going through a revival. Scooters are very much back in style - which let's be honest- in the case of teenagers is mandatory to capture their attention. Get in shape with your family and stay that way! While riding on a scooter, your body is using the same muscles as if skating on rollerblades. The kids will learn how to balance their bodies better, teenagers and adults can strenghten their core muscles and improve their posture. When pushing off, you use your muscles, you breathe better and ultimately- your body gets more oxygen.
Which scooter is right for me?
There is a huge number of different types of scooters out there. Age, height, weight and experience- all should be considered when shopping for a scooter. Some are two- wheelers and some are three- wheelers. They come in all shapes and sizes with all sorts of features. Those for recreational users are made of aluminim which is what makes them so light. When considering the purchase, you will surely be looking at the prices as well. Quality does have its price, unfortunately. Wheels made of rubber are great shock absorbents, quality bearings and a wide deck with enough space for your feet- all these things matter and should be equally considered.
Prevention is better than cure! That age- old saying is very much true when it comes to the fight against obesity. Eating healthy is important but staying active is essential. If you prefer to work out outdoors vs indoors, a scooter is perfect for you. Bonus: your stomach and thigh muscles will get noticeable stronger and more toned! Scooters are great for families as there is nothing better and more motivational than team work!
Every form of exercise is good and we all find the right form of activity eventually, something that works for us. Scooters are rather inexpensive in the long run. So instead of sweating your behind off at your local gym- charging you a hefty membership price- and facing the wall on a treadmill, breathless… get some fresh air and do your daily dose of exercise on a scooter!