City - City Scooters

Movino Gift Guide
Gift Ideas for 2024 December is often associated with holiday preparations, and with Christmas comes, of course, gifts. Sometimes gift ideas pop up like...
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Have fun but be mindful of the rules!
Have fun but be mindful of the rules! How and where to ride a scooter, a skateboard or roller skates. On May 20th, 2021, an amendment to the Road Traffic...
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Scooting to school!
Scooting to school! Scooter: a convenient way to move around Recently, we have seen a flood of people on scooters: both young and older folks are loving...
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Fighting obesity with a scooter
Fighting obesity with a scooter All the reasons why scooters just make sense! Many people struggle with staying active. Which is one of the reasons why...
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Scooters: how did they come about?
Scooters: how did they come about? Ever wondered how the first scooter came about? What happened and how? Who is the person behind it? When you look...
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Adults on scooters… is that appropriate?
Adults on scooters… is that appropriate? Scooters are NOT just for kids! Any idea what the most googled phrase when it comes to the world of...
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In vogue! Caution! Adults scooting!
In vogue! Caution! Adults scooting! Scooters used to be considered " a kid thing". But that is all in the past- these days, scooters for adults are very...
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